Welcome Back to School!
All students begin the school day at 8:00 A.M.
All students begin the school day at 8:00 A.M.
Steps to ensure your child is ready for temporary remote learning from home.
All students to begin the school day at 8:00 A.M.
All persons picking up students must be on the Emergency Contact Sheet and must have I.D. Our children's safety is everyone's responsibility!
Your NYC Schools Account is your gateway to family-facing technology to support and track your children's progress through public school education at the NYC Department of Education. Open an account today to apply to schools, track your children's progress from Pre-K through high school graduation, and get access to other digital content for New York City families exclusively available to NYC Schools Account holders!
Opening a NYC Schools Account is the first step towards becoming more involved in your student's education. Receive updates via text messages or email about school closures, emergencies, and upcoming events. Link your students and start monitoring things like grades, test scores, attendance.
For your convenience, the link to this account is also available in the Parent Information tab above.
Please be advised of a policy change regarding New York City Public School (NYCPS) student devices. Students must return any NYCPS issued educational technology devices (iPads, Chromebooks, laptops, etc.) to P.S. 56 Norwood Heights School .
Collecting these devices will allow us to assess device condition, address any necessary repairs and maintenance, update device software and operating systems, and prepare for distribution at the start of the new school year.
We want to assure you that if a student lacks a personal device at home and needs a school-issued device to complete their schoolwork, one will be assigned from the new school they attend. If the student is returning back to P.S. 56 in September, they will receive their device back to continue using for the new school year.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or Mr. Kazi via email at akazi2@schools.nyc.gov or call 845-581-0056 (Please leave a text or voice message if unable to speak directly).
Note: If your child received any NYCPS devices during Pre-K through 5th grade, it remains recorded in the DOE system that it was assigned to them. It is best to return the device at the end of the school year to ensure the record is updated to reflect the status of the device. If a device in your posession is damaged, missing or stolen, please let your child's teacher know promtly so that you can get the help and guidance you need in addressing those issues.
Having an issue with a learning device? First, complete the P.S. 56 Tech Support Request (TSR) (Opens in a new window) online to report the issue.
If you do not hear back from someone within 2 days, please contact the school office to expedite your ticket.
School Office Telephone: 718-920-1100
Please file a police report in-person or now online. Then provide a copy of the report to the school as soon as possible!
For more information regarding lost or stolen devices, please refer to the link provided below.
Lost or Stolen Devices Information Page
Follow these easy steps:
1. Download eChalk Notify App on your smartphone.
2. Select, "Proceed without logging in" and then go to "Add your school or district alerts."
3. Enter the school alert code: OQEK2Y
Dearest P.S. 56 School Family,
Another month of wonder-filled learning begins and it continues to be a tremendous honor to be your children’s academic home away from home! In every moment of our school day, your children bring immeasurable joy to our entire school community as they continue to grow as readers, writers, mathematicians, scientists, historians, geographers, musicians, critical thinkers, artists, good citizens and good friends. Our children’s parents and guardians have so much to be proud of as their children’s first and forever teachers. We are ever so grateful for your ongoing support!
February is a special month at P.S. 56 as we celebrate Black History Month, Super Bowl Sunday, Valentine’s Day, and our annual Respect For All and Hearts & Flowers Week as a school family. Our theme this year is “We Are All Wonders”, which we are connecting with our core values of service, persistence, achievement, responsibility, love of learning and empathy for all. The week of February 10th includes daily activities that strengthen every child’s self-esteem, along with an appreciation of the talents and abilities that make each of us unique and lovable. A highlight of our week are our closing assemblies for students in grades 3, 4 & 5. Each class shares the core value presentation board they have designed & created together. Yes, we truly have so much to celebrate here at 56!
We are at the midpoint of our school year – this is our academic half time and an invaluable opportunity to revisit our learning goals with all our children so every child achieves, succeeds & wins our academic Super Bowl 2025! Here at P.S. 56 we believe that what we pay attention to grows. All student data is invaluable and supports every child’s progress and achievement. Teachers and administrators are available every week during Parent Engagement Time to discuss your child’s progress and to share resources to support your child’s academic growth. Our positive home-school connection is an important ingredient to the success of every child. We want to do all we can to support all our families and to help all our students reach their learning goals. Teamwork will continue to make this dream work.
So welcome February – a short, but super busy month! We will all be ready to thoroughly enJOY our mid-winter recess vacation! Wishing everyone a month overflowing with beautiful moments with your beautiful families, and, of course, Happy Valentine’s Day!
Maureen O’Neill
Tip of the Month: Old-fashioned board games are always in fashion when it comes to family fun and family togetherness. Board games also strengthen our children’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills, along with their ability to win and lose gracefully. Most importantly, games such as Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Hedbanz, The Game of Life, Clue, Pictionary, Connect Four, Uno, as well as the classic deck of cards, can provide hours of entertainment and create memories that last a lifetime! I was introduced to Bop It here at P.S. 56 and it continues to be a favorite with my grandchildren (and me 😊)!
Principal 914-570-4527
Main Office 718-920-1100
Parent Coordinator (TBD)
School Nurse: 718-920-1100 x1011
School Based Support Team: 718-920-1100 x5104
Guidance Office: 718-920-1100 x5022
DOE Help Desk: 718-935-5100
Technology Support: 845-581-0056
Parent Coordinator: (TBD)
Email: (TBD)
Parent Association Executive Board:
Email: 10x056PA@schools.nyc.gov
President: Sherica Martinez
Recording Secretary: Estefany Rodriguez
Treasurer: Samantha Quintena
Title 1 Representative: Samantha Quintena
Title 1 Alternate: TBD
“Our mission is to educate the whole child, develop his/her self-esteem, social responsibility; sense of community; values, mental and physical health, citizenship, and instill a life-long love of reading and learning. We will accomplish our mission through cooperative planning, both short and long-term, parent and community involvement, and respect for all members of the PS 56 community. It is our goal to make our school an exciting place to learn and work.”
Hearts & Flowers Assembly 2024: Being Kind!
Celebrating Red Ribbon Week 2023
Hearts & Flowers Assembly 2023
Powered by Kindness
Everyone invited to wear something representing their favorite Superhero.
Lehman Center for Performing Arts
Hats Off to Kindness
Creative Hat Day
Everyone invited to wear something pink or red for Valentine's Day.
Grades 3, 4 & 5.